First Fall season not being with my sons.
Thankfully their mom is allowing me to see em’ on’ Facetime 3x a week.

It’s painful.

Yet that pain is becoming easier to embrace.

Not long ago, I couldn’t feel much.
Definitely not Love.
Or worthy of being loved.

I was floating.

Yet iced over.


Yet still breathing.

Bless you Lord for molding me into the time-stopper I am.
For I am truly grateful to relive the moments we’ve stopped together to now experience the LOVE that I could not feel while behind the lens.

I realized only recently how lucky and miraculous I am to have gone through the gauntlet and still be standing
…still breathing

In one breath, the human being is capable of moving infinite mountains on eternal dimensions.

Entire lives are lived in less than a blink of an eye.

And this I’ve realized on a subconscious level at a very young age by diving into the philosophies of the Samurai.

Despite my disabilities and crippled new existence, I look back now and understand how the  Bushido Mind was activated to overcome the impossible, yet still be a beacon for my two young boys.

I’ve made it look easy.
Now realizing how truly miraculous it’s been.

Ah, so..

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